If you've been looking for the next step in your personal or professional journey, but you're not sure what it is, you need...

The Unstuck Teacher Workshop!

Register now to join us for a free live workshop on May 5th to help you figure out what's missing, get inspired, and take the next right step! (Recording will be available if you're registered.)

The Unstuck Teacher Workshop

May 5th at 7:30pm EST

**Replay available to registrants!

This free live workshop will help you understand why you feel stuck AND what to do about it. During the workshop, you'll use the Unstuck Journal to figure out exactly what you need to help you feel more aligned.

Part 1

Get Inspired

Part 2

Map Your Journey

Part 3

Figure Out What's Next

Part 4

Get Support

If you've been feeling stuck or misaligned, you are NOT alone. You set out to make an impact on education, but you have this feeling you could be doing more.

Feeling re-inspired in education can be as simple as finding a passion project like starting a podcast or creating an Instagram page.

Or it could be that you're envisioning a big change like a grade-level shift, a new certification, or a move to Edtech.

The next step isn't always as clear as we need, and this workshop is meant to help you move through this time of uncertainty through journaling and inspirational stories of other teachers who have gotten unstuck.


What's on your vision board? Here are just a few examples of the milestones teachers are hitting.

  • Joined a book club for teachers in a professional learning community.
  • Started advising Edtech companies part-time in the summer.
  • Created a podcast based on a passion topic and connected with other educators.
  • Started selling teaching resources online to supplement teaching income.
  • Landed a consulting contract with a school district.
  • Went on several podcasts as a guest speaker.
  • Earned extra money through a freelancing business online.
  • Traveled to an innovation conference for educators.
  • Attended a meetup with local teacher moms.
  • And a MILLION more milestones! It's about figuring out what lights you up and what is the next best step for YOU!

More Inspirational Stories!

Your career journey is uniquely yours, and your milestones will shift and change depending on your phase of life. Staying inspired means setting goals, hitting them, and setting them again, surrounded by a community of educators doing the same!

gold arrows pointing down

Katie Buckley

I've been featured on content-related podcasts, which helped me connect with other music teachers from across the country. I now have a network of professionals with whom I connect and collaborate!


Caitie Cupples

I'm working on my copywriting business, which offers more flexible hours now that I'm home with my two young kids!


Hi, I'm Alissa, your clarity coach!

10 years into my teaching career, I looked out at the sea of desks in front of me and felt totally stuck.

Could I really spend another 30 years doing the same thing, day in and day out?

I was making an impact on the 20 students in my classroom, but was that all? 

I had more to offer, I was sure of it.

But how?

I wanted to surround myself with innovative educators like me. I wanted to try new things, solve big problems, and feel the thrill of a new challenge.

But I didn't want to become a principal.

And I didn't want to change careers. (I loved the field of education, but I wanted something different.)

I found my community online. I started a podcast first. Then an online business. Then an Edtech company. I traveled around the US and made tons of connections. I finally felt the thrill I'd felt at the start of my teaching career when I stepped into my new classroom.

I want every educator to understand exactly what lights them up and how to see that through. You don't have to travel or start a business, your path is yours.

I want to help you find the thing that brings you joy and see it through.
